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Trevor LloydName
38 Age
The River ClubOwner


Trevor is a very blunt, honest, tormented person. He has no sense of authority and talks to his employers casually. He is prideful in himself for what he does, he knows he is amazing at his job and does it to the best of his ability. He doesn’t shy from confrontation. Sometimes more than willing to start it. He lives up to his reputation as “The Gorilla”, being a very large man and using it to his advantage. He has been known you use his power to manipulate rules and punish patients for minor infractions that he sees as something more. He doesn’t tolerate attitude or backtalk. He is a very dark and damaged man but does his best to keep the world from finding out what kind of monster he really is. Yet, he was more than willing to release that inner demon when he felt it was appropriate. He felt like he was using the torment inside him to protect the innocent and snuff out other lesser monsters. He does hope that one day he might be able to turn himself around but doesn’t see tangible forgiveness for the horrible things he has done in the past.


He was always a bright, athletic, precocious, and cheerful boy. It was a wonder to think that he may not have survived past the age of three. Victim of a terrible car accident, he survived on the determination and medical care that his parents could barely afford. According to his mother, it was money well spent to see her little man running across the soccer field and taking down every opponent he faced on the wrestling mats. For a good portion of his life, they were a perfectly happy family. It wasn’t until his mother’s health took its own turn for the worse that he realized just how much his parents had given up for him. With all their money spent on his own well-being, there wasn’t any scratch left to pay for his mother’s chemotherapy, and it wasn’t long before the cancer-monster took her away.

The boy’s father didn’t take it so well. He never shed a tear, but the boy knew just how much it pained him to lose his wife, especially since he transferred that pain to his son with each and every beatings. The young boy was responsible for the death of his mother, in his father’s eyes, and he would be reminded of it daily. His father saw him as nothing more than a demon come to tear him from his beloved bride. Now, because it was his fault, it would be his responsibility to take care of all the woman’s work; the cooking, the cleaning, laundry, shopping, everything that a wife and mother should do. Trained to loathe himself and fear his father, he carried sadness and terror with him into his teens. By the age of 14, the boy was pulled out of every sport and struggled to maintain his C average on his busy schedule. He’d grown tall and thinned out, making his awkward teenage body a larger target. Trying to run away from all of his pain by getting into trouble with his friends. These years were his darkest time, enveloped in sadness and hatred, suppressed rage and fear.

It was only a matter of time before the pressure built too high and, inevitably, exploded. He was 19. One night, after work, he stopped by his Dad’s place to cook his meals for the week. The two of them got into a discussion about his mother and everything turned sour. After putting the old man in his place, he dragged his unconscious body to an outdoor shower and cut his tongue off as punishment for his words. When it hit him, what he had done, he knew he had no choice but to run. Run he did. Leaving everything including his best friend behind

He experienced nightmares, night sweats, flashbacks, and panic attacks. He was having a harder and harder time controlling his emotions. He even began to see and hear things that weren’t really there. One night a guy rubbed him the wrong way in a bar and when he came to, he was looking at something that was unrecognizable as a face, his closed fists dripping with blood. He wasn’t the same person anymore; he was finally broken. If he were to survive, he had to become someone else. From the spilled blood of his father, from the tormenting memory of his sick mother, the villainous beast Trevor Lloyd was born.

Moving from town to town, he took on any odd job he could find to pay the bills; handyman, bodyguard, bouncer, even bare-knuckle boxing if it paid well enough. He lived humbly in small apartments with the only creature that mattered to him, his dog.