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Betrayal, A new beginning.




True Name~ Sllathinara


Common Name~ Saedra


Aliases~ One armed Legion, Earth Walker, Seer, **Mother Dragon**


Age~ Fathomless


Sex~ Female 


Birthday~ A mortal notion.


Race~ Dragon


Classification~ Lustre Dragon


Family~ Ordah.


Height~ 6'0  


Marital Status~ Not something discussed.


Hobbies~ Wandering the lands, occassional mercenary work, occassional tutoring in swordplay or magecraft.


Signature Skills~ Swordplay, Magecraft, Draconic Verse, Dragon Slaying Arts, Physical Force Projection.


Affiliation~ Herself.


Favorite Food~ Mushrooms, Raw or cooked meat of nearly any source, as long as its fresh, various cheeses especially melted.


Least Favorite Food~ Anything putrid and rotted, she is a dragon with standards.


Occupation~ Soldier of Fortune.


Personality~ Observant silent and stoic, she is an exceedingly well spoken and diplomatic woman. Who despite all of her prowess in combat, will go well out of her way to end a conflict with words before actions. A blunt individual by nature, she is one to press to the point and not circle around to reach a point that would have happned anyhow. However she has a tender, maternal side. Applied only to a single soul, she who has been claimed as her dragon child, and student to the very path of dragonhood.

Unarmored, a rare sight. 



Leinheld: A land of intrigue and innovation, where magic and technical ingenuity have come together to cover the world. Forests risen arould manmade spires of magic, cities reaching the clouds, born both of trees and steel. It is a land of magic just as much as it is a land of technology. Fae spirits and mystical creatures are as common to the lands as humans, and it is not an uncommon thing to see a Fae wandering the streets in garb of plantlife, to buy a curiosity from a human salesman. Leinheld has many a continent, and much sealife as well. Covered in 60% water and 40% land, ships of both air and sea hold a high value. Monetary value comes in three scales. Barter, gold/silver/copper, and Mistone. 


Leinheld is not only the name of a continent, but that of the world as well. Named by the former dragon guardians who blessed it's shores. However there are several other significant Continents beside Leinheld and that of the Dragons. Kamakiri, a land known for how little is known about it; is situated to the  east of Leinheld. Ambrasi, known as the merchant's capital; lays to the far west of Leinheld. While Blenth, frozen land of the north; is still used in tales to scare small children.


Trade and Value: A common form of gaining goods and services is Barter, trade by merit of value holding just as much weight in modern Leinheld as coin. However for those times where comparison in trade is just too hard, or a person wants to see value in hand. Coin of gold silver and copper are used freely and easily to show value. Your average man would be happy with a single gold coin, and generally have a fair bit of silver. While the poor are lucky to scrape by with a handful of copper to buy bread and clothing. 100 copper equals one silver, whereas 100 silver equals one gold. Most shops within Leinheld rarely sell anything surpassing a single gold piece in value, most average armor listed in the 50-90 silver range. However quality and customization calls for more, and this is where one will see a need for the coveted gold, or a really good barter.


Magic: Magic is available to the common man to buy, but the ability to actually perform it cannot be bought. Only learned. Your average man is capable of an elementary understanding of the most basic of spells, a knitting of a light wound, a single sphere of burning flame are not uncommon in Leinheld. The various races of the world all have varying abilities to perform it, some better than others, and others unable to use it at all. Magic comes in several classifications, each holding a needed speciality and each holding its own difficulty. The elements have three tiers, Fire, Water and Ground are the Basic tier. Accessable to any common mage with only a small mana pool and understanding needed. Wind, Lightning and Ice are the intermediate tier, dangerous enough to harm or kill a lesser mage attempting to use them without sufficient mana or training. Earth, and Sky magic are the very highest tier of elemental magic. Encompassing several of the lower tiers, as well as possessing talents of their own. None but the most accomplished mage has any business attempting even the most basic of spells from either tree.


Magic also has other tiers that are unrelated to the above but equally important. Spirit magic for instance, draws either from ones own spirit or from the spirits around all to perform amazing feats of restoration, amplification, and debilitation. However it has risks both smaller and greater than the tiered elemental arts. Spirit magic unlike raw mana based magic, draws from two sources not just the one. This in a way makes it easier, but all things a price. Until one becomes an accomplished spirit mage, they must draw from their own spirit. This is a hindrance, as half of the value of the spell, comes from their life. To revive a man dead or near dead, would then cost half of a lesser healers life or more. This act alone makes healing magic a valuable and uncommon commodity, as it takes a certain kind of person to be willing to waste their own life to save another. However should a healer stick to it, eventually the spirit mage will be able to draw from the spirits all around instead of their own reserves. These types of healers restore armies from the brink of death, and are often shown respect even from kings. For spirit magic can both restore, and destroy.


Arcane arts, the use of Umbra and Lumen hold their own unique place in he magical community. The dark and light arts of the world, take traits from the elemental and spiritual trees and morph them into feats purely unique. A mage of the Umbra or Lumen arts, from the get go is seen on a higher tier then a similarly trained mage of either of the two branches mentioned prior. The pair are very hard to learn, and take something away from the users that can never be recovered. The Umbra arts requre sacrifice, and the Lumen arts requre devotion. Without this crucial piece, neither class can be performed. Using the lingering spirits of the fallen to restore self and allies a feared trait of Umbra, calling down glorious rays of light from above to smite enemies and heal allies similarly feared by the artisans of Lumen. The two arts are superior to spirit and elemental magic of the same tier, and can hold their own against magic a tier higher.


Draconic Verse, unlike the prior listed magics is something that cannot be taught by the mortal races. It is a special aspect of magic that is created by each individual dragon, due to a higher awareness of the makeup of mana that they are born with. This awareness cannot be taught as it does not have words or actions that can be explained, the best way to give clarity. Would be to say that dragons are creatures of mana and as such, can do things with it that simply cannot be done by even the Veteres; who were made from magic, but are not mana composed.  Every dragon can use magic innately and can utilize spells witnessed and exposed to after just one time seeing it, however this is not what marks a Draconic Verse. Draconic Verse is the unique molding of mana, through voice, gesture and even thought. To create effects with mana that are otherwise impossible to recreate through traditional magic, by infusing their own essense into the mana. It is still magic, but no longer fueled by or truly composed of mana. It is a complete fusion of mana and spirit to create a new sort of driving energy.


Mistone: The revolutionary gem as it is called, it is what sparked a worldwide fever of innovation. Discovered after a massive meteor landed in the heart of the draconic continent, its shrapnel landed all over the world. Its fragments holding the unique property of generating and recycling energy endlessly. A gem the size of a gold coin, could power an airship that can carry twenty people, with no need for recharge ever. These stones however were finite, alone not enough to fuel the whole world. But where space alone failed to deliver in bounty, magic succeeded. The meteor fragments were mass replicated and produced, even today they cannot replicate them perfectly however. The energy production and recycle last only for a time. However, to get around this hindrance the stones are able to take a tiny bit of energy, and multiply it onehundred fold. A small jolt of static electricity applied to a coin sized Mistone, would turn that into one hundred times the energy, for one hundred times the span that original jolt would have lasted. Only mages can create these Mistones however, and owning one gives a person a very valuable item. A Mistone the size of a gold coin, is worth just as much as the airship it is able to power. As such, these stones helped the nations restore forests, build cities in tune with nature, and cover most of the land in new beginnings.


Humans: The youngest of the races, but the most industrial and forward looking. With short lifespans, they always seem to be in a hurry to the elder races. But it is this hurry, that allowed them to do so much so quickly. Average in every way, humans have the ability to learn modest magic, and apply modest physical power and dexterity to a situation at hand. Not superior to any race in any way, but not inferior in all ways in the same breath. Humans have become the standard of measurement for various feats, something they take with no short sum of pride. Humans lead the way in innovation and technology, as the elder races were slow to accept change.


Ferus: The Ferus are a long lived race compared to humans, with three to four times the lifespan. They are the very heartbeat of nature, given life and intelligence. Animals raised into sentience, whom blossomed into an empire all its own. Every Ferus is different, with a ferus for nearly every known animal, land sea and air. They are all severely powerful physically, with one Ferus generally able to overpower three or more humans. They are also the makers of the world's best armor and weapons, arming 50% of the world's military with gear made in Ferus forges. However Ferus cannot utilize magic at all, they lack mana as they were born purely of nature. They can however, naturally utilize the spirts around them to enhance themselves in various ways in combat, a feat that humans must spend half a lifetime to obtain.


Veteres: The oldest of the mortal races, having a lifespan three and fourfold longer than the Ferus. Born of the world's magic, they are lithe small humanlike beings with a natural born talent for magic. The arch mages of Leinheld, a child of the Veteres can often perform spells that an accomplished human mage spent twenty years to accomplish. However they are a physically frail race, having developed long ears and dexterious agile limbs for better awareness of their surroundings; as a Veteres body can take very little punishment. A Veteres is just as much at home with archery and assassination, as it is with casting rays of light from the heavens. They are also the creators of Totems, magical devices that unlease a one time spell upon being broken. These Totems need no magical talent to use, and as such can even be utilized by the Ferus.


Halfbreeds: While exceedingly rare, half breeds do exist. Generally takin the best traits of both parents, though in rare cases you have a halfbreed taking the worst traits. These often do not last long. The most common pairings between races are humans and veteres, following that are humans and ferus. Veteres and Ferus can breed, but due to one race lacking a connection to mana and the other having an exceedingly strong one, the child almost always is born dead. In the rare exception that it is not, it holds the potential to be an exceedingly powerful individual. Assuming it is not killed by one or the other race out of scorn. Racism is not so strong of a sentiment in Leinheld, it is a passive trait at best. With half breeds generally scorned or ignored, though the murder of one is not uncommon.


Sensit: A newly discovered 'race', of immortal beings. However in truth, the Sensit are actually the fallen dead of Leinheld. The meteor strike that ravaged the draconic continent, tore open several rifts into the spirit world as its fragments of eternal energy flew through the skies. These rifts allowed the Sensit new access to the world of the living once more, where they took form from stone and earth and plantlife. The rifts eventually closed, but not before many settlements of the once dead returned to the world. Truly immortal, they cannot age, and breed asexually. They eat like any other species, but do not digest, instead merely burning the food into base nutrients. Nonhostile and private, they live lives away from civilization, only occassionally entering towns to barter. They are viewed with general awe and at times distrust, but it never leads to violence, as the amount of manpower it would take to hack and smash a Sensit into its base parts simply makes it worthless. 


Griffin: A creature of vast majesty and power, they have replaced the dragons in most culture as beings of reverance and guardianship. Noble allies to the dragons who once thrived, they take up the mantle for the sake of the order the dragons tried to instill. Pound for pound a griffon can compare favorably with a dragon in raw physical power, as well as being more agile in flight and on land. However they lack the superior magical armor that dragon scales offer, or the vast connection to the true source of magic, mana and spirit that dragons hold. Their feathers and hide are comparable to exquisite steel, while being light as a normal feather or hide. All griffons have a profound mastery over Sky based magics, far exceeding even the wisest Veteres and even some lesser magic focused dragons. 


The species physiology is as wide and varied as there are felines and avians, any combo of bird and cat one can think of, can come together in a griffon. However the greatest of the breed, are those forged of eagle and lion. Second to those are a bird of prey and a big cat, such as a hawk and a panther. All griffon share a few distinct traits, such as the hollowed bones of a bird along with the spineless flexability of a feline. A griffon will always land on it's feet, and can fall from nigh any height and land without injury. Unlike dragons, a griffon is not immortal. Though they can extend their lives and vitality for many thousands of years through magic, an average griffon will live about one thousand years. They, like the dragons; are capable of taking a human form at will. It is the prefered form when not within their own territories. In human forms, their flesh holds the same exquisite steel-like durability. Able to turn away even fine blades with their bare hands, and strike with force to topple stone many feet thick.


Fae: The fae folk are the opposite spectrum to the civilized people of the world, being of the forest and wood. However they are no less intelligent that 'civilized' people, and have such a connection to magic and spirit that they radiate it. Called fairies, fae, lightfolk and many other names. They have little care or attachment to the world outside their woodlands, rarely venturing out and only when whimsy strikes. Walking among the physical and stepping through the spiritual come as naturally as breathing to the Fae, as they have bodies not anchored to the physical plane and spirits that are both a singular entity and an echo of the very world spirit. When walking among the physical, they will often adorn garb of plant life, leaves, bark and other things of nature. One of the very few True Immortal races, they are truly timeless forces of nature; comparable to the dragons. They do not bleed, if one managed to wound a Fae they would find only a wound that glowed from inner light.


The Fae can control the lands they hold, rarely allowing non fae within. Even the Taint cannot breach fae lands, as the fae themselves are utterly immune even to the largest tainted presense. Taint that takes hold is merely shed away as Fae shift into the spiritual plane and re-emerge in a body untouched. Taint attempting to spread into Faelands, is merely redirected around by a field of shifting, swapping and replacing spiritual essense. Warping the very land to repeatedly and continuously swap and replace through immensely potent Earth magic that completely phaseshift preventing taint from taking hold. Fae do however have a sense of compassion, for the innocent, and those that hold a great respect for the land. Rangers and young children often find themselves allowed into fae lands during times of need or to pay devotion.


Faelis: When a Fae and any other race breed, a half breed race is not the result. Not truly. Exceedingly rare is it, for a fae to find interest in those from the outside world. But when it does occur, a Faelis is born. Neither Fae, nor mortal. They are a race removed from the bloodlines of either species. Holding a tangeble connection to the world spirit, they are a being of wonder. A Faelis is not a True Immortal, but will never die from age or weakness. Nor is their connection to the world spirit strong enough to reign in entire lands under their control. However it is strong enough that a Faelis can effortlessly phase into the spiritual plane, or the magical. Intangebility and phaseshifting are talents quite strong in a Faelis, as well as having an exceedingly vital spirit and physical attributes. A Faelis like the fae does not bleed, wounds delt to a Faelis are painful but cause no harm beyond the wound itself. Beheading a Faelis will kill it, dismembering a Faelis will render it unable to act. However wounds to any part of the body other than the head are for the most part just a nuisance, unless they dismember or hinder movement.


Depending on the mortal race, certain aspects of the fae side may change or alter. However one thing always remains a constant, the Fae aspects remain dominant in the Faelis where physical appearance is concerned. A Ferus, or a dragon even, breeding with a Fae; would produce a fae-like offspring. Humanoid in features and shape. All Faelis have a natural affinity for Earth magics, being able to perform them even with no training in magic at all. A faelis can also perform Spiritual magics using the connection to the World Spirit, allowing for much greater feats than even most accomplished mages. A Faelis has no true moral allegiance ingrained in it's being, for the Fae are indifferent to the ways of the outside. The Faelis can walk any path, good evil or somewhere inbetween. However they will always strongly protect wildlands and faelands, above any other mission or goal they might come to develop during their lifepans. The Faelis are also quite capable of hiding among the humanoid races, able to mimic the humans as well as the veteres. 


Dragons: Venerable, ancient and all powerful. Dragons were once held in such awe, that even insulting one was enough cause for excecution. The very eldest of the Veteres, some thousands of years old. Look upon a dragon, and know what it is to be a child again. A race of true immortals, a dragon does not die so much as simply grows tired of living. Returning to the earth and sky, becoming a mountain, a forest, a river. However the time of dragons has passed. Once worshped, they are now widely feared due to a mass corruption. A corruption created by the same meteor that led the rest of the world into a renaissance. While the world was growing, the secluded draconic continent was thrown into a massive civil war. Brother against sister, wife against husband. The corrupt against the pure. The meteor's unique composition empowered dragons in the same manner it empowered devices, but as dragons are alive, it was a power that eventually warped the mind, leading to craze and hallucination. In the end, the corrupted won this war, driving the pure away and into the lands of the mortal races. However they did not win without cost. Their number reduced enough that they could not simply fly out and raze the world to the ground. It was enough time for the few remaining pure dragons to teach the world about what was coming. And prepare them.  Several draconic wars have taken place since, wars that have tainted the wilds of the world, breeding vile monstrocities that attack life long after the corrupt dragons have been driven back. It has been long enough, that most of the world have forgotten the pure dragons that once warned them. All dragons are a threat now, something a few of the pure learned at cost of their lives.


Adra`kullhain: In common, this translates to 'Black Blooded'. The term used by pure dragons to identify dragons and life tainted by the meteor. Any living being can become black blooded. A shard of the true stone entering the body is all it takes, blood from a black blooded entering the body can do so as well, but in these cases the victim has a greater chance to survive and possibly gain from it. Both being penetrated by a true stone, and intaking blood, have the chance to empower or weaken the target permanantly, as well as outright killing them, or turning them into a Black Blooded. One who is black blooded will not neccessarily become insane either, a mere twisting of morals might result, while the mind remains whole for the most part. It is this sort of Black Blooded that is most dangerous.


Lustre Dragon: A unique breed of dragon, born straight from one of the two gods of creation to govern a single aspect of life or death. Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Garnet, Quartz, Amethyst, and Obsidian. Each is an aspect, of either the Great Mother, or High Father. Gods who themselves are dragons. Diamond Lustre is the Voice of the great Mother, able to speak any tongue and hear every voice, from the chirping of birds, to the buzzing of insects. Able to convince, persuade and guide any being. Seen as the leader of the Lustre Dragons. Ruby Lustre is the sight of the Great Mother. Able to see all that occurs on the earth all at once. Every insect, every living being within its sight at every moment without pause. Its creation of the very core of the world, the vast molten heart that sustains the world. Her warmth and heat the bringer of the lifespark. Seen as the second in command of the Lustre. Sapphire Lustre is the blood of the High Father, it embodies the rain and the rivers, every drop intaken, every bit of ocean and sea. Every drink taken is of its blood and life.


Emerald Lustre is the heart of the Great Mother, it feels and is in touch with all of the natural life of this world, even man. Everything that lives, it knows intimately. From the smallest bug, to the largest beast and all inbetween. It feels every birth, and can create new life, though the feel of death falls upon the next. Garnet Lustre is the Grip of the High Father. The hold upon all things mortal that death is assured. Everything that passes, each individual cut grass, each squashed bug, an army struck down, it feels every single death and is the guide to reincarnation, or the spirit world. The Quartz Lustre is the Heart of the High Father, it is the burning unquenchable spirit that brings victory where loss was assured. The molten heat dwelling in the planet's core, beats with the High Father's pride and warms the very world thanks to the Quartz Lustre. Amethyst Lustre is the breath of the High Father, it that moves the skies and guides the storms, the winds that bring forth bounty or destruction. Every aspect of the sky, and every occupant within the whims of Amethyst. Obsidian Lustre is the scales of the Great Mother, hard stone, unbending steel forged of its minerals. Every hammered plate every sharpened sword is a gift from the Obsidian Lustre. 



Great Mother and High Father: The gods of creation, they are a pair of otherworldly dragons that created the world, its fiery core, its lands and seas of their own scales blood and tears. Each continent once a single scale of the great mother, each sea a drop of the High Father's blood. However with the onset of the great draconic corruption, they are no longer worshiped by most of the mortal races. Only the Veretes still revere the dragons as the true gods they are. Nonetheless they still watch over their children, evident by the fact that the Lustre Dragons still remain on this world. While their are indeed other 'Living' gods of the world, they are all lesser beings and draw strength from worship. Where the Great Parents need no such worship to retain themselves. 


Forging: The unique process where a dragon brings its scales to the melting point with magical flame, in order to tighten them on a growing body and make them more resiliant. When born a dragon's scales lack the magical durability of older dragons, they are merely stiff and hard, comparable to iron but lacking any supernatural resistances. This is because the secret behind a dragon's legendary scales, is the absorbtion of magic and heat much like refining metal in a forge, hence the name. Forging is dangerous, because it walks the fine line of what a dragon can handle before succuming to death. A loss of control almost assuredly ensures death, or mortal wounds that might as well be death. However upon a successful forging, the scales of a dragon are melted and reforged with magic enfused flame, granting a higher tier of magical and physical durability, and a permanant immunity to flame and heat up to the point that the scales melted prior.


This prevents a dragon from using the same level of heat to repeatedly forge, and forces them to grow into the new scales and train their personal flame till they can apply the magical flame of their breath hot enough to forge anew. The very highest tier of forge, is 9th Forge. Held only by Lustre Dragons, who are able to forge nine times. This level of forge is enough to withstand even sleeping in the very core of the planet without harm. 5th and 6th Forge, are the average for well aged dragons. While 7th and the venerable 8th forge are only for those truly old and wizened. Magic that can be wielded by the mortal races tops off at 5th Forge, ensuring that any higher forge is utterly immune to magic and heat that a mortal race might apply.


Heartstone: A unique manifestation of the soul, under particular conditions that creates a physical substance. This substance is infinately malliable by its creator, and yet as durable as their will to live. Heartstone can be used and manipulated by someone other than its creator, however only if the creator wishes for the person to be able to, truly from their heart. In this way it holds much sentamental value if passed from one to another, however it holds no financial value as it is otherwise useless to anyone but the creator.


Other Lands of the World


Kamakiri: A land steeped in questions with few answers to offer, your average Leinheld citizen has likely only heard of it in history books and even those have little to offer. It was a more open land once, that traded in herbs, spices and exotic weaponry. But internal conflict eventually led to a full blown civil war and both the seas and skies around the rich nation were closed to the public. No news or info has left that land since then, which was even before the first great dragon war. They too did battle with the black blooded, and the aftermath has left their lands quite changed. While only one third the size of Leinheld, it has almost twice the amount of tainted no-man lands to scale. It also functions significantly different in terms of value, people and freedoms. In recent years, it has opened it's borders to limited trade. Though it had been doing this in secret for centuries, with those in the know in other lands.


Trade and Value: Unlike other lands. Coin has no value here. It is a land strictly bound by barter, trade and physical services. Anything can be bought, with enough labor to earn it. Anything can be traded for anything else, nothing is priceless; not even life. One of the largest and most lucrative businesses of Kamakiri, is the Sightless Order. Assassins without equal, bound to a higher calling than mere cut throats and murderers. Second to this, are vast prostitution rings and drug circuits. These are the businesses that keep Kamakiri afloat, selling it's wares to other lands, first in secret, and now in a somewhat more public eye. Of note, the Mistone is far less valuable in Kamakiri. Due to the amount of tainted areas, it is easier to find true stone, and make Mistone.


Population: Unlike the racially diverse Leinheld, very few humans call Kamakiri home. Instead Ferus and Veteres thrive here more than anywhere else. Humans are not looked down on or mistreated, they simply have fewer numbers. Even with such a large population of Ferus and Veteres, the two races tend to stick to their own. After the massive civil war and subsequent dragon wars, they are content to leave eachother alone.


Sightless Order: Among those known for the art of killing, The Sightless Order is without question the best. Each kill, marked with a coin baring a closed, bleeding eye leaves no question. The origins of this order stemmed from the civil war, both sides seeking to train, create and even forge the perfect killer, to assassinate the opposing side's command structure and end the war. The order, and war however, were halted by the advent of the dragons, ending one war and starting another. Enemies now united, shared secrets and perfected the Assassin. Every Order member is a half breed. Taking the very best from two apex parents, instead of having many strengths and many weaknesses. The prime among them, being the rare sucessful birthing of a Veteres and Ferus child. Notably, the survival rate of such children is upwards of 5% on Kamakiri; where elsewhere it is less than 1%.


After breeding, which is carefully planned and monitered for each new generation of assassin. The infant is subjected to two surgeries, a small fragment of Mistone is grafted to the heart and a daily dose of black blood. The Taint of black blood, is far more vile than any man made or natural toxin. Those few infants that survive, are rendered completely immune to such, as well as having toxic blood themselves. This blood, which flows through a heart irradiated and charged by the Mistone becomes filled with energy and magic, promoting increased vitality, growth and mental function. This blood beyond merely promoting superior growth, acts as a catalyst for the exclusive and wholy unique branches of magic and spiritual arts only found on Kamakiri. 


Magic: Widely, the magic used by those on Kamakiri is no different from that magic anywhere else. However a notable exception are the guarded secrets used by the Sightless Order. Junkan, also known as Circulation is one of these. Used when an assassination cannot be done simply, it uses combat movements as spell casting gestures and the practitioners blood coating their striking points or weapons as the catalyst. Able to draw in, and push out their own blood through their pores. The various spell casting gestures are masked by strikes, blocks evasions and impacts. Blood left on a target leaves them marked, and spells seemingly stem from nowhere, focused on said target. Able to draw on the elements, as well as the darkness of shadows through Junkan. Anything from a lightning bolt dropping down from a clear sky, to shards of ice appearing around a foe before plunging inwards and so forth


Dokuchi, also known as Poisoned Blood, is another. Using blood iteself as a weapon, magifying a few drops into full sized weapons, and able to reform weapons using those same drops if broken. It allows an assassin to operate in places where one might be frisked for weapons. Weapons made in this way, can be used like a pressured fluid lance, or hardened into a crystal-like state with durability comparable to steel. Wounds caused by this blood are highly toxic but cause no pain. This is due to the toxin quickly eating away at nerves and nerve centers, tainting the nervous system from the outside in. Repeated wounds will begin to actually taint the victim, leading to gradual madness and loss of control, making a difficult foe into a mindless and simple target.


Chikage, the last of the secret arts. Bleeding Shadow is focused on the stealth and darkness that surrounds the very profession. Using blood as a catalyst to enshroud and befuddle, one under the veil of Chikage could walk through a crowded hall at high noon and remain unseen. However this art extends into combat as well, the effort to retain total invisibility is taxing and using it for more than a second at a time in actual combat is impossible even for the most robust. However, using it to obfusicate an attacking limb or weapon in the middle of a fight can lead to a sudden victory. The shadows themselves can be a weapon as well, as they are everywhere, and leave no hints behind.


Persons of Interest



Saedra: The Dragon of Ruby Lustre, current Sovereign of the Lustre Dragons. She has lived for as long as the planet has had a heartbeat, and with her age has come much pain. She had a cherished life once, and was a warm kindhearted guardian delivering the soothing warmth of a blessed morning. The lifegiving light that brought bounty and harvest. Yet the civil wars have left her a cold stoic woman, befitting the immolating heat. Scales of brilliant ruby faded to a dull grey with mere hints of a purplish red that once was, due to the taint that lingered on her from her battle with Malcol. All of the combat she saw on her home continent has left her a warrior who can only be satisfied with more fighting, yet losing those she cherished has left her a woman willing to do anything she can to prevent conflict. Truly she is a unique soul, who will fight with a passion once the batle has begun, but till the battle begins, will do and say what she can to prevent it from occuring. To this end she has wandered, a nomad who will sell her sword and try to end conflicts. Either by convincing her benefactor to stop fighting, or ending the battle under her benefactor's banner as fast as possible to prevent more battle. She has an esteemed and feared reputation within Leinheld, her guise that of a veteran Ferus who seeks battle for no reason but to fight. Her presense on a battlefield has ended wars without her black blade ever needing to be drawn, and in the end such events are exactly what she hopes for. That her reputation can end battle with no bloodshed. 


Ordah: A child who under highly unique circumstances has been revived from death with the heart and soul of a truly ancient dragon of earth. She is young, and untested. But truly motivational in her drive to learn, something that drew her to be adopted by the Dragon of Ruby Lustre, Saedra. Ordah seems a stoic and nonverbal sort to most, brash and even harsh given unwanted company. However she is easily impressed by her linage, and of dragons whom she has been given a new life by. It has been predicted by Saedra, that Ordah will eventually become a true dragon and shed away her mortal coils.


Malcol: The former Dragon of Diamond Lustre, the First Adra`kullhain and leader of the draconic civil war. The initial impact of the meteor had only corrupted a small number of dragons, not nearly enough to defeat a vast majority of untouched dragons, Yet One of those few corrupted was the venerable Malcol. And with his Gift of perfect persuasion he was able to turn masses of dragons once good, against their family and friends. By the time the other Lustre dragons realized what had happened, it was too late and he cut them down one by one. Till only Saedra, his lifemate, his right hand remained. She could not match him in battle, and from her he took a wing and arm. Yet her tears, the gaze of one betrayed by her whole reason for living woke him from his delusions, just long enough, for her to drive his own blade into his core. Something only her true sight could see. In passing he thanked her, and apologized for what he had unleashed upon the world. Due to his true death, by Saedra's piercing of his core; the Great Mother is now mute, and will never again be able to speak or create a dragon to embody her voice.

A single sword, the moonless night its eternal reflection.



Draconic Verse


Lance of Amaranthine: A gathering of mana in the hand or air, which is then infused with her essense and expanded upon. Creating a deep ruby-violet colored lance, which can then be manipulated through will or by hand. Able to be flash hardened into a crystal-like state, it can retain a sizable amount of punishment before shattering. Though if destroyed, it would merely return to it's energy state unless willed away. In it's energy state, it can be thrown and made to either pierce or explode on impact. Depending if one, or many are made, the explosion can be quite sizable. One focused lance being able to lay ruin to walls made to withstand prolonged siege by mages and siege machines, while several lances would split this force equally between them.


Starfall: A gathering of mana that is infused with her essense, before being tossed skywards and vanishing into what would appear to be nothing. However, from above the clouds will then fall several pillars of ruby light whenever she wills it. Each cast can contain thirty pillars, each pillar holding a ten foot circumference. Each pillar deals sustained damage over several seconds, while applying a heavy force to keep weaker less sturdy beings and objects in its scope for the duration of the effect. Initial damage is not that significant, enough to bruise flesh and dent armor. Taking a full duration pillar however, will shatter all but the hardest armor while leaving bones broken and muscles torn. As an added effect, these pillars do not all have to come down at once. The 'Starfall' effect remains until allthirty pillars have fallen, independant of her mana supply. Allowing her to let them fall all at once, one at a time, or even in groups.


Rising Glave: Similar to the above starfall, in it's creation. The difference lays in it's location. The ground. The gathered source injected into the earth and seemingly vanishes, only to rise when gestured or willed into various bladed shapes abruptly. The amount per cast depends completely on the size of the blades willed, but generally when raising blades larger than a person, there are only ten or so. These edged weapons can form in a wide nest covering several yards in impassable surface, shooting up several times within the scope of a few seconds to repeatedly impale and stab at anything unfortunate to be within the scope of them. When done with large blades, they can easily split an unarmored man right in two and spear through hardened walls and surfaces like a hot knife through butter. Unlike Starfall, these blades are made to deal substantial quick damage and then vanish. Smaller blades able to stab several times before vanishing. With each cast, she can perform a raising of blades three times. Able to change the location of each raise after a cast, but not during.


Radiant Scatter: Gathering mana and infusing it, this verse is thrown and detonated at will unlike prior on-contact verses. When detonated, the verse will explode into a dome of golfball sixed energy spheres that pack tremendous impact force but very little actual damage. Initially. If a target is hit by one, they will be smashed aside, weight being irrelevent in this case. However, when hit by one, said sphere will detonate. Coating the target in it's energy which will then draw in any remaining orbs to also impact the target. Repeated hits will do more and more damage, and deal more and more impact force. Just one orb, will do about as much damage as an average punch. This damage doubles with each orb that hits, as does the impact force. Leading to a target that is knocked around and impacted harder and harder, till death. The amount of spheres in a single Scatter is one hundred, however they will dissapate upon hitting anything solid. The lock on effect only occuring with the designated target. Spheres can be done away with by tossing solid objects in their path, or even using a weapon against them. But each orb done away with -after- a target is marked will still add it's increasing force and damage to the counter. Meaning, even if a target manages to keep ninty eight orbs from hitting him after the first. If the one hundreth orb hits, it will deal one hundred times the damage to him.


Dragon Breath: Not truly a Verse in the same sense as her other arts. The breath of a dragon is as part of their natural being as their scales are. Born from an organ that is natural to the draconic heart, it is merely a natural function of these forces of nature. Her breath in particular is a ruby flame, wisping with violet. Wonderous to behold, yet of such heat that it can even evaporate lava. The variety of ways she can use this flame are extensive, from the classic cone of flame spilling outwards from her maw. To a single blast shot swiftly to explode with titanic force and destruction. She can coat herself and her surroundings in this ruby-violet flame, turning it into a nigh impassable zone. Lastly, when truly focused on the sheer destructive aspect of this flame. When she inhales to prepare it, the power of this drawn in air is a strong enough vaccum to even uproot trees for many yards around her general area. At full power this flame can remove a metropolis from the map outright, leaving a void of such ruin that no manner of natural life could ever rise there again; barring the intervention of the Emerald Lustre.