Nicknames : Cristo, Krift, Cleft.
Gender : Male
Orientation : The fairer sex.
Age(s) : 25
Postlength : Paragraph. Or two. Or whatever.
Link : No! I am Kiryl!

Kiryl is a Priest from Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. Out of worry or even love, he, along with Borya, an ancient-looking mage, accompany Alena, an especially capricious princess, when she leaves home against her father's will to travel the world and try living life rather than spend all of her days locked away within that dusty old castle.


The trio journey a short distance, to a nearby village. Therein, they discover a horrendous beast has been demanding tribute from the townsfolk, snatching away young, virginal women to make meals of them on no particular schedule. Upon learning of this, the Zamoskvan triad surprise and destroy the monster, all three of them hidden within the sacrificial vessel much to the beast's dismay.


Moving on from their sizeable victory, Alena, Borya and Kiryl learn the King of Zamoskva, Alena's father, has fallen ill and needs immediate help. It is no sooner than they hear this news that the compatriots delve beneath the ground in a not so far off cave and acquire a powerful medicine. Taking this back to her father, Alena learns he has been having troubling dreams, nightmares rather. With him in better health, their King gives his daughter leave to go on her way and see the world in hopes she might discover what evil thing is haunting his sleep. Charged to protect her as ever are Borya and Kiryl who accompany their Lady on a quest spanning the continents, that Alena might join that faraway martial arts tournament.


After Alena is declared victorious due to a combination of her fighting prowess and her last opponent mysteriously vanishing just before their fight, the company of three return home to find the castle and city completely empty. Not a soul remains in the whole place, much to the dismay of all three.


Some tears are shed but the group eventually figure out a plan of action; a short time later the trio set out to discover what befell their homeland. Along the way they meet up with the other protagonists from the game and form an alliance, adding their power to that of the Chosen One.



If you are having difficulty discerning this thing, I am Kiryl, the blue-haired beau. Be considering me your best available healer, buffer and companion for the long and short travels. I can be swinging a mean sword and smiting those bad things out there with the slashing, the stabbing or the crushing. Even restoring life to dead, cold flesh and bones is not a thing beyond me, thank Goddess. Let us be hoping it does not come to such however!


Give me considering for all your adventurous times; I am missing the road and the thrills of it. There is surely some preference given to the ones sharing my universe but do not let this be putting you off from an approach of myself. I am having many compatriots from my time here who might attest to just what a goodness it is to have me along with you.



Alena, Borya and I.




Alena and I. She's so cute...