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Another twist on the Big Bad Wolf 



I always thought of myself as the monster. When people call you monster all the time, you start to believe it yourself. And for a while I thought I was. My Grandmother and I both are wolves. Come to find out, it runs in the family. I got it too. My red hood is magical, it keeps the wolf at bay and when I have it off, well, I can turn into the wolf. But it can also change me back to human. 



In my human form I can track people down with just their scent. In wolf form, I can track just as good, or better than my human form. My eyes can see better in the dark, Im faster in wolf form than I am human. Both forms grant me inhuman strength, awareness, enhanced scenes and agility. But now that Ive lived in Storybrooke, I can control it better except on the full moon, still need to be locked up.



In another world, a long time ago, I met a woman named Snow White who became my best friend. She tried to help me when I figured out, when I ate my boyfriend, that I was the Big Bad Wolf. My granny was turned by her father but I was born into it. Sometime later, the curse happened and I wound up in Storybrooke. When I was awakened, I remembered everything about the Enchanted Forest, about me and what I am. Now I help run Granny's Diner as co owner and bartender slash waitress.


Ask me about my Dicord if you're interested in Joining OUAT group rp. We need more players.