Nicknames : Bebe, Blonde Bombshell
Gender : Female (Duh?)
Orientation : BOYS! (Will act gay for attention)
Age(s) : 10-18?
Postlength : Flexible
Link :

(Work in progress!)


Name: Babara "Bebe" Stevens

Gender: Female

Age: School age?

Height: 5 something...

Weight: Healthy!

Hair color: GOLD! (blonde)

Eye color: Bright blue

Occupation: Student/Cheerleader

Satus: Single...for now

Personality: Friendly (mainly to other girls in her school), Rocky attitude towards boys in school, Cunning with a hint of crazy!

Criminal record: Accessory to Murder, Attempted murder, Drug possession, Graft, Manslaughter, Assault, Sexual Harassment, Unlawful discharge/possession of a fire arm.

History: Bebe is normal girl in Southpark Colora-Just watch the damn show!


Me and my bestie!