Nicknames : Elissa, Grey Commander, The Grey Warden
Gender : female
Orientation : straight
Age(s) : 21
Postlength : free-form (what you post is what you get)
Link :



Elissa Cousland



Warden, Grey Warden, Warden Commander, Arlessa of Amaranthine, Teyrna of Highever, Teyrna of Gwaren, The Hero of Ferelden, Qunaron Vhel, Commander of the Silver Order, ...Pup





Eye Colour:



Hair Colour:



Romance Interest:

I  love him, and we're going to be married, hopefully soon.









Dual wields

(however stronger left hand)



Starfang longsword




Being a Warden is not a Cure. Its a Calling...


Being the Hero of Ferelden is not an easy task, in fact facing the Archdemon and the entire Darkspawn Hoarde was easier... she hadn't been alone then. With every intention of putting Alistair on the throne, Elissa was to take the final blow to the Archdemon, her life to end the Blight, to preserve the line of Calenhad... duty. She was a Cousland after all she had been born knowing that duty was above all else, even a selfish desire to stay with the one she loved. It was not to be though.


Injured and bleeding, when the time for good byes came, Alistair took matters into his own hands. Knocking her unconscious, he sacrificed himself to save Ferelden, to save her... it was days after when she woke to find herself surrounded by worried friends, but she was alone, he was gone. The heartbreak sent her into despair, and even the probelms in Amarantine could not set her back on the right track. 


She fell from grace, falling to the bottle, a stain on her honor, her family's honor, the memory of her love, and on Ferelden itself. Queen Anora used this as an opprotunity to spread lies, to instill in the people that their Hero though strong, powerful, courageous, may house the spirit of the Archdemon, the reason for the drunken stupor and the ramblings.. the Old God would live inside a surving Warden. Too far gone to defend herself, she vanished, slipping away to obscurity, leaving her Brother to pick up the pieces of his life if he could, while she went into hiding in their parent's old estate in the City of Kirkwall.



For over a year she lived in the Hightown estate, making trips to the Hanged Man when her own cellars wine emptied, making sure to always keep herself concealed and never wanting any of the Fereldens to recognize her. Even in her drunken stupors she tried to send help to the refugees though it never seemed enough.


After a night in the Hanged Man, sharing stories with old friends Isabela and Anders, and new friend Hawke - the Champion of Kirkwall, that she found herself, though intoxicated, drawn to a Ferelden man who was wandering the streets. There was no way he could be alive, yet it was he. Alistair who should be dead, her father's ring around his neck proof that he was him... after all she'd given him the ring as her promise to always love him even in death. 


She had betrayed his spirit by drowning her sorrows for so long a far cry from the woman she had been during the Blight, but the lack of his memories, no ackowledgement, though she gave him coin to find a place to rest, tore her heart again, and for over a week she drowned herself in sweet oblivion. In the weeks that came after she dreamt of Alistair, nursing her back to health, whispering his apologies to her. It was a long time before she realized they were not dreams.


Anders had found him, and managed to use magic to unlock the memories. This 'new life' a gift from the Maker, of some sorts. To take them away from where they had fought, to start anew, with no memories, there was nothing like it recorded in the history of the Wardens, the world truly was a small place.  With the help of Alistair she cleaned up, stopped drinking, and they found their peace together. While he helped Ser Cullen and the Templars, she did her best to aid Hawke when she could. Eventually together the scars of their past faded and they could take steps forward together.


A year after being re-united, with the Qunari threat in Kirkwall finally gone, Elissa gave birth to their two twins (with the help of the old Mage Avernus), Duncan and Bryce. With Alistair free from the taint she fears the future, her life will be short but full of love, but the nightmares are strong, and she can feel a war close on the horizon... 





- Skills -




- Talents -

- Rouge -




- Assassin -



- Power of Blood -


- Dual weapon -




- Companions -