Name: Ivy Midnight. (Irving James Mitchell)
Alias: Snow.
Age: 18.
Gender: Female. (PreOp Transgendered Male.)
Height: 5'6".
Weight: Unknown.
Hair Color: Platinum.
Eye Color: Bright Pink-Red, uses Sapphire Blue contacts.
Skin: Pale, creamy.
Distinguishing Marks: Pierced ears, true albino.
Birth Date: August 24th.
Personality: Intuitive, Quiet, Sardonic, Intelligent, Dark, Eccentric, Deceptive, Secretive, Morally Compromised.
Orientation: Questionable.
Family: Possesses one brother.
Strength: Seduction.
Weakness: Small, dark, and very damp places.
OOC Notes: This is subject to change, can be played with or without backstory and/or possible amnesia and physical disability. Plot before Smut, No means No, settings can be discussed, will not change Ivy's gender and no one will learn the truth of it without extensive roleplaying, or they get blocked for metagaming and godmoding.
Likes: Fancy dresses, tea, jewelry, rain and snow, music, dancing, games and puzzles.
Dislikes: Being abused, bullies, being ignored, awkward situations - mostly hysterical people, dank places, the smell of mildew.
Hobbies: Chess, Dress-Up, Swimming.
Favored Possessions: A set of silver bangles, a crystal chess set, a gold locket with a pink diamond heart.
Biographical Summary: Ivy's life is a bit of a sore topic, getting "her" to speak of it isn't easy and usually results in someone getting the silent treatment for a time. There are many reasons for a person like Ivy to join the Seasonal Delights, but the main one for that is the acceptance, the lack of hatred for being different. It was far different than home had been and that's all that matters to the secretive Snow Drops.