Nicknames : PLEASE
Gender : WAIT
Orientation : WHILE
Age(s) : IT
Postlength : LOADS!
Link : KTHX. 8V

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Mad scientist incoming. 8V   Fragments of the undone picture below~!

  Welcome, welcome~!  
Profile V0.4

This is Myon.

Here you will get to know what makes a Myon comfortable~♥
OR uncomfortable around you.




I like~...
         ...being called a good boy.
         ...being praised at the right moments.
         ...being pushed around at times,
            but only by certain people,

            that possibly aren't you.
         ...being respected, especially if I respect you.
         ...being a bitch, no offense. >:
         ...beings that are as cute as they are dangerous,

            but only if they are very dangerous. Or cute.
         ...attention to the stomach and butt! Oh yeah~.

I will...
      ...jump people for money, but only at certain times,
         uuuh huh~! mean to people I don't like,
         simple as that.

I love...
        ...selfcreated characters, yes~!♥
        ...people that try to hate,

           it makes me hnngh! ♥♥
        ...slimey creatures! ♥♥♥

More to come? Maybe!

 I hate being called a slut.
DO NOT DO THAT, not even in jest.
Srsly, don't do it, I mean it.
Do not pester me,
Even more so while I am in a bad mood,
which I will most likely tell you.
Liars and the likes.
People that ignore warnings,
they deserve no mercy. >:
Sluts and their male equivalents.
Badly timed or placed jokes.
People being trolled,
if they do not deserve said trolling.
Sonic and Dragonball characters,
I'm sorry but no, just no.
Godmodders and actual 'god' characters.
People with unoriginal characters,
Don't question it, I just do.
"Toxifurs" that are sickenly sweet,

Now, some summin' up.

I make friends rather easily.
I hate easily as well.
I am often grumpy.
I may be ignorant at times.
But only if I'm not in a good mood.
Myon in a bad mood is bad. >:
I often feel like biting things. BEWARE!
If you godmod, I don't like you.
If your character is a god, I most likely won't like you either.
If your character is cliché, see above.
I enjoy teasing and pestering,
unless the person I pester is in a bad mood.
I am a perfectionist, so I often end up losing the mood if I don't know what to type.
I like you if you're intelligent.
I don't like the opposite of  ^  this.
If you read and follow this, you probably aren't as dumb as some other people.
 I like shenanigans.
But not really.
Actually yes I do.
Okey, let's move on.
If I see you as a slut, I won't interact with you on a friendly basis.

 Scalies are cute too.
Unless they have weird feet and utterly bald heads.
Rare exceptions made.
If you read this, you have a higher chance at getting sexed by me than others.
If you even want to, that is. c:
But a lot want to, and why else would you spend that much time reading this?
I won't let you anyway probably, I think I've become prude. >:
Or maybe not? Who knows.
Oh and I has a panties.
Yumei; Jessie Tillman; Shuffy's Panties <3
And I has boxers too... hurr.
None yet. >:
And I even has the ever so rare loincloth <3
None yet, too.


Here have some quickly written down junk about what Myon is.

Myon's race, for now known as 'Thing' until I find a better name, in Myon's case, is only able to live if their body is supplied a big enough amount of radiation, possibly from an internal source. This is because the cellular structure does not function like that of a normal creature. The cells don't multiply without the help of radiation, or otherwisely, induced mutation. There is a minimum and a maximum Myon may keep within himself. Beneath the minimum, he will start to feel sick. Above the limit is slightly more dangerous due to the fact that the body will go into an 'overdrive' which makes him stronger, sure, however he will lose his mind pretty quick. Almost like a berserker, except for the fact that this state can become permanent as it damages the brain cells. Since Myon practically lives because of a continuous mutation of his cells, he is unaffected by things such as cancer and other cell anomalies. Like any other 'normal' person he has to eat and sleep as well and does not differ much from other people... safe for the fact that being exposed to him for a longer period of time will be in fact unhealthly, or plain dangerous.


-Place holder.-










Lets see how much <3 and how much


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