Nicknames : Efrath
Gender : Dad
Orientation : Bi-Curious.
Age(s) : Old
Postlength :
Link :

Big dragon dad.


Around 9 feet tall.


Is a bit dumb.


Is a big softie though.


here are many kinds of dragons out in the world of varying sizes, strengths and even intelligence with most of their kind being feared and respected by most of the civilized races.

Efrath wasn't one of them.

Belonging to a smaller race which was created to serve, to act as soldiers, builders and guards on behalf of one of the more intelligent wyrms that existed at the time, he not quite as impressive as many other types of dragons. While still large compared to many of the civilized races, his kind were bred to be able to engage where the larger scaly beasts couldn't while still possessing great strength, sturdiness and stamina to make them tough to fight and take down. But since they were made for battle, intelligence was not of a priority and as such it is common for them to be somewhat dimwitted. But the times of war and conquest had long since passed, with him currently living in a (mostly) peaceful era and as such his kind had more freedom to explore what they want in their lives on their own and despite being a race which had been made partly for the purpose of waging wars, they weren't inherently aggressive and violent towards others. For the most part their inherent traits were useful in this day and age, working often as bodyguards, builders and many other physically demanding jobs.

What was less useful was their extreme virility and strong breeding instincts, traits which obviously was there to ensure that the dragons of old could more easily create armies with them going as far as to encourage crossbreeding with other races to create a diversity within their ranks. This did obviously pose a problem during more peaceful times as this and to avoid potential overpopulation, laws were passed in most countries that limited the number of offspring his kind could make with one another. They were still however allowed to have as many as they wanted with other races however, with the logic being that the other races would not be as eager to have a dozen or more kids as his kind were. Not that it stopped them from trying.


More Dadfrath


Dick Reference for you sickos