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"When I am Queen I will insist,

With perfect scars upon my wrists,

That everything you once held dear

is taken away from you..."

Long before the tales of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White; even before the mad Queen of Hearts, before the Sea Witch learned her first spells, there was but one, nightmarish Queen that reigned over all.

Queen Mary was the most brutal, horrific Queen to ever occupy a throne, in the realm of Fairytales. Known throughout the land as "The Bloody Queen," Mary was a wielder of a dark and powerful form of Magic that had never-before, and has never-since, been seen used, let alone with the masterful control that she was able to wield it with.

Through means never determined, Mary was able to warp time and space through the use of Mirrors; connecting locations all over the land through the reflections of mirrors, she could constantly hear and see things happening, anywhere and everywhere-- She was even able to use this magic to "travel" through mirrors from one point to another. However, this magic came with a high, dark price. It warped her, twisted her and corrupted her into a barbaric, sinister and purely-evil being.

She became known as a "Demon of Mirrors," and out of a terrible, horrible fear of her and her abilities, her own subordinates eventually rebelled against her, finding a way to bind her inside the Mirror Dimension, where it was believed she would sit and rot for all eternity, until someone performed the necessary ceremony, and invoked her name to summon her from the Mirror Realm.

After the fall of the Bloody Queen, and the end of her tyrannical, twisted reign over the land, other kingdoms rose in her place, and Queens such as Maleficent and "The Evil Queen" would eventually be able to rise to their own places of power.

Over time, her story began to fade from a "Fairytale" to a myth, and from myth to "Urban Legend". Her tale became the fuel of nightmares. Children and Teenagers would try to scare themselves and their friends by calling her name in front of their mirrors, attempting to conjure her image as a form of mischief and fun...

Of course, it's all harmless fun and games... Until someone conjures a nightmare. However it may happen, be it a fluke of cosmic alignments, or the wearing of time on the potency of a spell, or the unwitting human imbued with a "gift" they didn't know they possessed, eventually the Queen shall return to sit atop her throne of skull and bones; to line her Royal Court with the heads of those who betrayed her and brought about her wrath...


We shall build thy throne Upon the burning ashes, For thine is the victory.

The strength within us, The power of will and flesh, This is thy gift, almighty one.

The World is ready for thee The World is ready to fall!

Blessed be the blackened earth, And the empire we've built Upon this shattered dream.

No power known to the mortals Can now stop this dominion. No power the fools bow to.

With our bare hands, With our own blood, We give you, Queen Mary, Thy throne of bones skulls.