Nicknames :
Gender : Male
Orientation : Straight
Age(s) : 17-26
Postlength :
Link :
STRENGTH 80/100 SPECIAL 100/100





(Keep in mind these are only for when I'm free to choose his abilities. Otherwise, he'll have powers that match the setting. His level of expertise with this power will also varry depending on what he is allowed to do.) Click the shark for gallery.





   Greed is the curse and gift of Rudii, a power that is fused into its host's body. It is an ancient technique that can have great costs if used too frequently, it takes the shape of a shark coiled around Rudii's arm and with each utilization the tattoo grows, robbing him of his sanity and control of his own body. It allows the users to assimilate powers of others and then recall them for various uses.


  When the user defeats an enemy or part of the enemy is ingested by Greed. (hair,blood... anything holding DNA.) The other's power is absorbed, the original user is in no way affected by this, their abilities still function as normal and Rudii has absolutely no expertise with the newly acquired ability. Being young also means he is far from a master of using this skill and given the fact if abused his body will be consumed by the power he refuses to use it unless completely necessary for his survival.


  The skills assimilated are not permanent, depending on the amount of DNA consumed he only has limited uses of said skill.


  Greed himself is what you'd expect of something named such, arrogant, confident and in a constant struggle to gain control over his host's body. Often offering snide remarks within Rudii's mind and being a nuisance simple because he can. Taking the appearance of all consuming shark with multiple eyes, coiled around the boy's arm with its gaping maw devouring it, a grim reminder of what may come to pass.






 -Divide and conquer.
 Greed and Rudii cease their conflict for the common goal of defeating their opponent. The tattoo unraveling to become a shade that fights alongside the host for a period of time before dissipating and losing the strength to continue and returning to Rudii's arm an alternate method of usage Rudii rarely employs due to his lack of practice is a partial split. That's to say that instead of completely emerging from Rudii only a part appears, in this manner Rudii is able to grant himself something like an extra arm per example. This however requires great focus and only lasts for three rounds while the split lasts for five posts but blood comsumption may increase its duration..


 -Chum in the waters.

 Rudii and Greed and intrinsically connected, his chi now taking the shape of the spirit fused into his body. While channeling the energy be it to fist or sword to unleash an image of Greed onto his enemies. The shark-like being dives forward in a tide of chi. If the catalyst were his fists the wave carries a powerful impact upon collision a powerful tsunami of energy that will sweep all in its wake, possibly knocking his target off balance or breaking their guard, the impact carrying enough strength to knock the wind out of someone if they collide with a wall, leaving them stunned for 1 round. While if used with the sword then instead it would feel as if the shark's many teeth found their juicy meal, placing several cuts onto the opponent's body, opening several small wounds that cause bleeding.



 Greed's namesake. Upon ingestion of blood, Rudii may acquire one innate skill of the opponent with limited uses. The number of utilization is depending on the amount of blood consumed, may only copy one technique at any given time. What power is taken is a gamble, he could even take attributes that would cause him harm, such as species with poisonous characteristics to their blood. He only is able to use it during fights as the stolen technique is gone once his body digests the liquid.



SPECSMMA, Kendo, Shark style, (What he calls his own unique techniques, a personalized muay thai.) And lastly capoeira.


 Obs: Can take one hell of a beating.






  Rudii grew up in the streets, bouncing from home to home never adapting to any families that took him in. Naturally a lone wolf despite being friendly and social with everyone he meets, he is someone that hates to be tied down. He enjoys being free and independent, not relying on anyone for anything. You'll never see Rudii get mad, he enjoys fighting and trouble but very rarely does he get upset by any words thrown at him or holds a grudge. He is equally bad at insults and for this reason prefers to skip the trash talk and jump into the fray. Rudii also enjoys flirting with anyone he might happen to have a interest in, caring little if they are available or not, as the harder a woman is, the more he tries however never has he dated anyone for reasons he keeps hidden.




  Rudii stands at 6 feet, hair shaved on the sides and tied into a small ponytail at the back. His eye's are a light blue, almost to the point of seeming grey. You'll never see him with anything but long sleeves, and even more rare it is for him to show his body. On his right hand there is a strange claw shaped object in the middle finger that compliments his abilities. He has a slim but muscular shape, he could look skinny with clothes on but underneath he had muscles developed from extensive training and daily exercise.