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 ♦  " W  h  a  t       d  o      y  o  u       w  a  n  t       i  n    ♦

♦  l  i   f  e  ? " ♦




let's not fool ourselves, friends.

the end of the world is here.
when all the white noise runs dry and the alcohol gets turned down to a dull hum ...all we may have is each other's shitty company.
(i will wait for you.)
our lips have not touched, we breathe the same air

and as our molecules collide you shall know this to be true. 
for if you don't ...well then maybe i've been wasting my time. 
these things we say, are not just things we say...they are our lies and our truth. our love and our hate.
and though my tongue may be sharp at times, in my heart i believe in us.
let me decompose in this embrace and be reborn as a fond memory for the dust to settle on and enjoy.
-settle down-
the moments we've shared together, real or imagined, are just a preamble.
i look forward to floating, lost, in our vastness.


✖   B    A    S    I    C          I    N    F    O    ✖ 



Name: Adrien Sebastien Lenior 
Birthday/Age: February 21// 28 years old
Place of Birth: France
Gender: Male


Skills/Talents: Painting, drawing, photography, extremely nimble,  giving constructive criticism, making the perfect cup of coffee, having an "artistic eye"

Favorites/Likes: Watercolor, cookies, poetry, coffee, cigarettes, music, alcohol, unconventional things, strange qualities & quirks, intense emotion, bold personalities, inspiration, birds

Most Hated/Dislikes: Bland personalities, sharp things, pain, invaluable opinions, attempting to play an instrument, running out of tools, things "in the ordinary"

Goals/Ambitions: To thrive as an artist and become successful.

Fears: Closed spaces, clowns, needles, heights.

Hobbies/Interests: Testing his limits, learning about others, learning about things completely alien to him, artist things.

Religion/Beliefs: Agnostic.

Orientation: Homosexual

Past Occupations: Waiter, model

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Lives alone, although he has a pet cat which he frequently renames.




Personality: A typically strange character, there is no official category to put the mystery man “Adrien” under. A self-proclaimed artist if his lifestyle doesn’t scream it at you. An immigrant from France, if his accent wasn’t heard.  A well-aged model if his looks didn’t spell it out. And a romantic if his charms didn’t woo you right away.  Jack of all trades, he thinks he's good at everything but is just mediocre to a degree. The opinions that practically spew out of him mouth go unfiltered, but he's slowly learning to keep the statements which are not-so-pleasing-to-the-American-ear to himself. Not as fast as he learned English, however. Sentimental to a great degree, Adrien tends to look for deep meanings in things, and constantly wants to view everything  from a new perspective. Adrien is also extremely open minded to just about everything, but very picky at the same time. He’s the type of guy that has his own definition for everything. Adrien is also extremely passionate, and is constantly searching for what pleases his mind, and soul. Whether it's a piece of pottery, a new camera, or even a person, he will achieve what he yearns for no matter what the cost. He typically can come off as arrogant or snobby, and seems a little too blunt, but Adrien will have his moments. He will run to the aid of a stranger whenever it is truly need it, but doesn’t like the fact being known.Saying the artist is just “strange” or “weird” would be a gigantic understatement. He’s got completely ludicrous theories & beliefs, none stranger than the stories he has to tell. And he’ll have you witness it all in one sitting. Though, he’ll rarely speak up about his past other than the fact he was born in France.


History: It's not completely necessary for you to read, but if you're up for it, here.

Physical Description

Height: 6'1
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Chestnut. Slightly wavy. Reaches his shoulders.
Eyes: Emerald.

Body: A very lean build. A lithe, swimmer-like body.

Typical Attire:  There is no "typical" attire for Adrien. He's stylish down to which shoulder he throws a scarf over.  Though, he has a thing for leather dress shoes.





Want to roleplay? I don't bite, just shoot me a PM and we can discuss c=

I cannot stress enough, I am very PM friendly.
With this character, I usually prefer something modern than typically escalates to a romance. ( I LOVE the idea of forbidden romance, if you haven't caught on. )

I also enjoy having bold characters to play with.
Post length? I will usually mirror your post as close as possible. However, I tend to post between para-multi para. Please be capable of typing at least a few decent sentences~

This character is flexible. I can adjust her specially for our rp, whether it's changing his age, adding supernatural elements or keeping him as solid as he is now.
Smut? Sure. I just don't accept rp's which completely revolve around it.

I do like planning - I actually prefer we do it. But, I also like letting our roleplay lead wherever the wind takes it.

 Also -- I'm not French. Please don't murder me for butchering the French language in my roleplay.