Nicknames : Zach, Holt, Red
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Zachary Holt • Sentinel • 16 • Fox • Striker • Callsign "Red" • #42425

Zachary stands at the height of 5'8" at the age of 16 years old. His hair, dyed a dark blue, close to black almost, hangs down over his right eye. Both of his eyes are an icy blue. He typically wears a loose-fitting jacket over a good, sturdy pair of pants and a white shirt. If he has cause to dress up, he replaces the jacket and pants with a better-fitted suit, with a button-up shirt and tie beneath. His weapon, a glaive, is usually at his side, used as a walking staff with the blade pointed up so that the raven, the crest of his father, is clearly visible.


Zachary Holt is a priveliged son of a high-ranking Reclaimer. As such, he's been well aware of the conflict between them and the Brotherhood for a long time, though he's never been involved firsthand. For his fourteenth birthday, his father gave him his spirit weapon, a glaive, and paid his tuition to attend the same place that had taught the elder; Nexus Academy.


Zachary's spirit animal is the fox. The red-furred patron is sly, and its sponsorship of Zachary belies the boy's own cunning and swift reasoning. Zachary Holt is a person who gets things done and does them well, with as few complications as possible. He doesn't really have a set reaction, instead examining things in the moment they happen to determine what he needs to do. He's been known to meet a situation with force just as often as with subtlety. In a fight, Zachary uses his glaive much the same way as his mind, exactly as he thinks is appropriate. If he thinks overpowering someone is the best way, he'll charge them. If he can't do that, he'll use the polearm to gain a tactical advantage and leverage.