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  • Seraphite


  • Toothless Demon Tavern

    Toothless Demon Tavern

  • OOC Matters

    OOC Matters

Patrons know a few basic truths about Sera, the owner of the Toothless Demon Tavern. They know that she moved to this area not many years prior, and that her grandmother, on her mother's side, raised her. However, no one knows what befell Sera's mother. A few heard stories of how her grandmother shied away from allowing Sera to interact with the Drow, and how little time she spent with them. Thus, Sera understands little about the Drow, their behaviors, or their culture. However, no one sees a problem with this. Everyone knows Sera’s younger half-brother, Arch (Archadeus Imataru), and the antics between the two siblings. Many still show bumps, or bruises from their last confrontation. Anyone picks on one of the two, they quickly feel the other breathing down their neck, and know they need to run.

Sera prefers to keep her personal life exactly that, personal. She chooses not to share any sadness with others in hopes of moving on from the past, and focusing on her new love, the tavern. She spends much of her time working in the tavern, and taking care of her inn. She holds no aspirations of settling down with anyone, though never shies away from casual flirtations with a few people.

Sera is, Sera. Simply put.

Seraphite owns, operates, and tends bar at the Toothless Demon Tavern and Inn. The tavern lacks regular operating hours due to Sera's consistent need to remodel the building after fights with her brother, or solo episodes from different patrons. However, when open the Tavern caters to all types of patrons, provided they do not diminish the overall mood. If so, she asks that the patron leave, or be thrown out. Sera puts a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into running the tavern, and forbids others from ruining it for her, and her guests. She also disapproves of people who expect everyone to cater to them, prissy know-it-alls, or sob stories with no light at the ends of their dark, weepy tunnels

The Tavern upholds three very simple rules, and Sera expect all patrons to follow them.

First; Running tabs only for patrons that they pay at the end of the evening. Feel free to ask the current tender of your total. (This way tenders need not Rp transactions after every drink, keeps Rp flowing). The Tavern provides food, drink, and lodgings for those in need. (No set period for food/drink, order items as you wish).

Second; Fighting permitted provided participants leave the rest of the patrons out of the fight. Sera prefers neutrality to involvement in fights, however she throws out any ruffians if they disrupt her patrons, and thusly her profits.

Third; Sera permits public displays of affection provided it is kept to a discreet level. She provides rooms for those who wish to take their flirtations to the next level. (Not everyone wants to read your sexual activity, respect that, please).


1. Running tabs.

2. Fighting permitted, leave non-combatants alone.

3. PDA allowed, smut in PM only.

Currently the Toothless Demon Tavern's group page is under construction. However, will be up as soon as time permits.

This is a remake of a previous character on RPH, though at the time she was named Seraphine. You may or not remember her, or this room. That's okay though, I won't hold it against you.

Just so you know, I will not be reading the profiles of every character that enters the room. I'm probably not the only one that is going to be that way either. So if there is something special about your character that you want others to notice, you better include it in your character's introduction.

This is just a casual Rp room, but anyone that frequents will be treated as a returning customer. That being said, I don't have much of an interest in "character development" for Seraphite.

So no, I don't want to learn about the drow.

No, I don't want to start a relationship between our two characters.

No, I don't want to weave some intricate background story for her that she weeps all over the counter.

Seraphite is my casual, relax, just bullshit around with other people character. A little more so then just hanging out in the OOC all day long that is.

So, with that being said, welcome to the Toothless Demon. I hope you enjoy your time here.