Nicknames : Gal
Gender : Female
Orientation : Pansexual
Age(s) :
Postlength : Para+
Link :


Additional photo:


Height - 5'8

Natural eye color - Green


Gal is from Earth-11. She was raised by her parents, Patrick and Rolande. You would think that a father would be glad to have a daughter like Gal, the ultimate tomboy, but instead, he lavished his affection on Gal's girly sister, Macy. Nothing Gal ever did was good enough for her father. And her mother? Well, she was the painfully cliche cow-towed mother, just nodding along with whatever her husband wanted. 


Gal, in a last ditch effort to earn Patrick's affection, became a police officer. And that was when her entire life changed. Gal answered the call when her  younger sister, Gerika, was pinned down in a fire fight with a street gang. She became a Green Lantern that day.


Right now, Gal is the Sentinel Lantern and the only Earth Lantern the Guardians can call on. 


(Gal's story is a mixture of the New 52 and the original canon. She does not have to be played on Earth-11; dimension hopping isn't exactly foreign to superheroes, after all.)


Personality: Gal is a shameless flirt, but she's not a one-trick pony. No, seriously, stop acting like she's a whore. When it's time to get down to business, Gal is always there to get the job done, even if she does it with a little more ego than is necessary. 


For room canon: When I'm RPing in one of the superhero rooms, Gal has been transported to whatever the primary Earth is in that room through a blackhole. She is waiting for a way to return home. But until then, she's in a sort of relationship with- "Guy! Why are you starting without me?!" 



Story ideas:


Oh my gosh, yes, I do actually RP! I know, that's shocking!


I'd love to RP with a Green Lantern from Earth-1 (Earth-11 is fine as well, I just really like the idea of Gal being unfamiliar, and yet familiar, with her surroundings). 


Would also be interested in playing as part of the JLA, either on Earth-11 (and possibly meeting male Ice/Toro) or on Earth-616. (Please note that I am not interested in a female Ice/Tora for romance. If she is in Earth-1 she has lost Toro and there would be a certain level of emotional pain equated with meeting a female counterpart to her love. It could be an interesting meeting, and may have initial feelings of love, but it wouldn't last.)