Nicknames : Gunslinger
Gender : Male
Orientation : Hetero
Age(s) : ???
Postlength : 200
Link :


Hair: Long black hair

Eyes: Brown

Hieght: 6'2

Age: Appears to be 35(Due to his travels and worlds having diffrent time variances he has no clue to his actual age)

Appearance: Wears leather duster, cowboy hat, jeans, and black boots. Can be seen clean shaven, but most of time would have a five o'clock shadow. Carries two revolvers and various other magical trinkets from his travels. Has learn to become and travel through the shadows. Employs long range tactics in fights, but has no problem closing the distance and employing his close range weapons, some martial training from his travels.

Attitude: Fairly easygoing and not avert to having fun. There is one thing he won't abide and that is traitors.



In pursuit of the man who had taken everything, he chased him across a vast wasteland only to have found he had become lost and arrived to a diffrent world. Thus he continued to travel and meet several new people some became stalwart allies while others became bitter rivals. During his travels through the worlds he has seen his quarry always taunting and out reach, but he has found that his no longer blinded by his hatred and has manage to find some peace, but still plans to put a bullet through the man's head and that of his allies.