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Ala is a humanoid alien winged feline bonded with Massago who is also bonded with Silver and Zeva. She is the top assassin of her kind. Of course being the 'spare' royal she's had a lot of free time to practice and the means to get the best instructors. She rarely dresses as an assassin of any kind though as she's found that no one ever believes that someone dressed for a royal function would ever risk getting blood on her outfit. They also never seem to be able to believe that one of the princesses would do it. A princess get her claws dirty? Never. She finds this attitude amusing beyond telling. One of her most handy abilities is that she can change the coloring of her fur and feathers for a short time. Her record so far is fourteen hours. This is something that only a very few know she can do. Each of her kind has a differnt ability, some control various sources of light, others certain kinds of insects. It varies wildly and no one can ever predict who will have what gift.
All of her weapons are steel with silver and gold either worked into the steel or overlaying it. Silver because it seems to burn a great many things, gold because it poisons her kind's only real enemy. Where her people live gold is not a rare ore and so it is used in the creation of every single building. The castle is almost blinding for it.
Her weapons are usually a pair of short swords with a slit in the middle that allows her to catch and possibly break another weapon inside it. She has a plethora of small knives hidden within the inside curve of her wings in addition to numerous other tiny and easily hidden weapons and tools. 
She's half bonded to master vampire Morrgyn Deveraux.


Height: 5'
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: Seal brown
Fur/feathers: Ivory and seal brown
Age: 1600ish
Scent: Smells like desert heat and sacred datura flowers
For those with aura sight Ala's is a deep sapphire.