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Identity | Ken Ichijouji

Age | Approx. 13 years old

Occupation | Student, Digimon Kaiser,


Strengths | Polite, cautious, strategic,


Weaknesses | Darkness, forgiveness, self-esteem,

distrusting, independent

Digivice  Crest

   Black D-3     Kindness

Digimon Partner 

Leafmon -> Minomon -> [Wormmon] -> Stingmon -> (+ExVeenMon) Pialdramon -> Imperialdramon Dragon Mode -> Imperialdramon Fighter Mode / Paladin Mode



Raised as the runner up of a sibling now passed on, Ken is a shining example of what most parents what want their oldest kids to take after, but he's long since lost the will to boast. Having secretly shouldered the blame for that loss and a past as a menacing tyrant in the Digital World, he bears the burden of guilt that will likely never vanish. Fortunately, with the acceptance of the other DigiDestined and the company of his partner, the pain of the past is gradually buried.


Out of Character | PM friendly. Plots > romance. Quality > quantity.