Nicknames : Hisui, Hiryu, Ashiti, Tantibus de Lustrai
Gender : Female
Orientation : Straight (And not looking)
Age(s) : Who counts those anyway?
Postlength : However long it takes.
Link :

Itisha and Ashiti 



 Ashiti is a half shadow half ice dragon. She was recently the chosen (she drew the short straw) guardian of a royal bloodline until the last known living member went insane and died. Due to her previous job she tends to be extremely formal with humanoids.
 As a shadow dragon she can meld with the shadows and use them to step from one place to another. She's not strong enough to make shadows or control them beyond using them as portals though as she's not pure shadow dragon. As an ice dragon she's very cold to the touch. She can freeze just about any liquid among other things. Liquids are simply the easiest and take the least amount of energy. All blue markings on her are noticably colder than the rest of her. Her vulnrabilities are extreme heat and light. In other words, she won't be roasting marshmellows any time soon. Light just forces her to maintain a solid form if she has one at the moment. She can do one thing neither ice or shadow dragons can do. She uses the shadow ability to make herself look bigger than normal and the ice to give it substance. It takes a lot to maintain so she usually doesn't bother. She can also use shadows or ice to call another dragon of that type.

 Another note, as a shadow her form is mutable. She can and will take on the form of a child, an adult female, and an adult male though the adult female is the prefered form if she can't be in her true dragon form.

 She is currently playing the part of Itisha's shadow and so will occasionally take on Itisha's appearance only with black skin and ice hair, two things she can't quite manage to change yet.



(A simple recolor of one of Nambroth's dragons. All artistic credit goes to her :p)

Height: Varies between 5'-6'6" on average in her humanoid form. Draconic size also varies but she could easily accidently knock over a two story building. Her child form is around 3 feet and appears to be about five or six in age.
Eyes: Deep blue of a winter pond on a field of pale icy blue
Horns/talons: Same deeper blue as the eyes, horns are transparent the talons are slightly transparent, all will refract light to some degree
Hair: Pale icy blue, each strand seems like an icicle and so chimes softly when struck against another strand
Skin: Mostly a black so dark that light seems to avoid it with highlights of pale to the darker icy blue on lips, wings, and tail
Other note: She casts no shadow of her own, she is the shadow


This is a close approximation of the male form. Just picture it with the same coloring as the female :p

(Note: I am not the least intrested in any sexual rp so don't even try it.)