Nicknames : Mercy, Inari
Gender : Female
Orientation :
Age(s) : 14ish
Postlength : However long it takes.
Link :


Inariko, or Mercy as her handlers within the Department of Supernatural Forces call her, is completely human. Or she was. She's about 16 or so and due to various idiots has serious mental issues. Her major one being the training that began at the age of three. Only she wasn't trained for anything one might expect. Not after surviving the initial experiments that changed her forever. Now she's one of a few rare lionesses that are a mix of human and lycan only they have no ability to shift like the rest of their 'cousins'. Instead the nearly grown child is kept in a very realistic white lioness suit and used for, primarily, testing. Being the runt of the surviving lionesses she's useful for little else.


The suit is padded just enough to make her muscles look right, it's just cloth and slick faux fur on her belly, back, sides, and the top of her head. Because it's a suit the fur never moves, the tail hardly ever does, and there's always a slight lack of the fluid grace of a real lion. Only the head is fully expressive with animated muzzle and mobile ears, not very intimidating if she growls and her face doesn't match. There are no seams to this suit, too high a quality of craftsmenship for that. Wrapped about her neck is a gleaming silver collar with no buckle or obvious welding point.

If freed from the suit one might discover that she talks. A lot. Because of her long captivity and little real world experience she is curious about everything and almost always poking into things best left alone. Her eyes mark her as no longer fully human and her nails are more akin to claws. Her skin is as pale as can be after years of no direct exposure to light of any kind as is her once blonde hair.

Height: 4'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Platinum blonde
Skin: pale but normally a light tan
Eyes: Originally blue but now a burnished gold that gleam in the dark

Age: Appears to be about 14



(Note: I am not the least intrested in any sexual rp so don't even try it. Plus she's mentally about 10, ew.)